The Under-Recognized World Of Men Who Sew – From Doctor To Designer – Following Your Heart
There is an under-recognized and fascinating world of men who sew, men who design, and men who are quietly living out their passions. I’m diving in to bring more light to this creative, talented and tight-knit community.
Ever thought about making a big career change, stepping away from what others perceive as a safe and secure job, to go after that pull in your heart?
The courage to follow our hearts and live the life we truly desire, takes great determination and strength. At times these decisions may seem crazy, over the top, daring and extreme to others. When all is said and done, the joy life brings when we are living in our space of truth, is unmatched and far outweighs the opinions of others.
With me on this weeks episode is the talented and inspirational Scorpio Uzuh, founder of the fashion brand Sins Of Many.
Join us as we talk about his major career change from a doctor to a designer, his new life, his roles in the world and community of men who sew, and the limitless joy and fulfilment that comes from following your heart and pursuing your passion… from scratch.
Scorpio and I also speak and share honestly about the major rewards, dedication, obstacles, hard work, required time, and sacrifice that truly goes into carefully developing and perfecting your crafts and talents, while building a successful brand.
THE SKINNI W/ SHAYZON would love to hear from you!
Get in on the conversations and drop us a line. We mean it when we say it, your thoughts are important to us.
Thank you so much for spending this time with us!
Hugs and Love to you!
Instagram: @shayzon
Show Instagram: @theskinniwithshayzonpodcast
Guest: Scorpio Uzuh
Brand: Sins Of Many
Instagram: @sinsofmany