The Sewing Serge, The Growing Creators Community And The Divide, With Monica, Founder Of The ~Black Makers Matter~ Coalition
On this weeks episode I go further inside the sewing and creators community. A deeper look at the sewing serge, the growing creators community and the divide within.
During this pandemic, there has certainly been a great serge (surge) in sewing, along with many other creative outlets. From people making hundreds and even thousands of masks, to others filling the need and desires for creative activities and escape. Let’s just say, this is no longer a dying art.
To speak with me and share insight on this amazing and rapidly growing community is my guest Monica, of That’s Sew Monica and founder of the Black Makers Matter Coalition. We get into the nitty gritty of the highs and unfortunate lows – as it pertains to the lack of inclusion and diversity.
If you’re already a part of the sewing community or have the slightest interest or curiosity about the art industry, this episode is definitely for you.
More than likely you’ll be checking out sewing platforms and hashtags or researching sewing machines by the end of the show. Lol…
Be sure to check out Monica’s platforms, she has a lot of great pots cooking! All of the links are below.
Guest: Monica
Instagram: @thatssewmoinca
Current projects you can participate in with Monica on instagram: @sewyourview and @theprojectsew
Black Makers Matter: @blkmakersmatter
Instagram: @shayzon
Show Instagram: @theskinnipodcast