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Shayzon the Deal Guru


A SHAYZON FAB FIND... SOMETHING FABULOUS & WORTH FINDING!   FAB FIND is most certainly found in the CHICified Dictionary. ') Here's the short & sweet definition, along with important points for SHAYZON to give the FAB FIND stamp of approval. Fashion, shoes, accessories, bags and decor that are graciously accompanied with great quality, a fit that's remarkable and appeal to the eyes that's purely irresistible. Top that all with a pretty little price tag adorned with a mi[...]


MOST BEAUTIFUL INDEED!! LUPITA NYONG'O I remember the evening clearly, I was super excited and preparing "my cozy space" for my Annual Award Season Routine, the highly anticipated... Red Carpet PRE SHOWS!!! It was the Golden Globes and there was a brief moment that I stepped away from the TV (more than likely for some ice cream ;-) ) and upon returning, I was literally stopped in my tracks and my breath was taken by this incredibly stunning women on the screen. I had no idea who she w[...]

TO THRIFT or NOT TO THRIFT?? Is that your question???

Shayzon says... ABSOLUTELY!!! ') Mixing thrift, vintage and designer pieces is a sure way to a unique personal style. Not to mention the amazing deals, amazing savings and amazing FAB FINDS! There is a high in the hunt and a thrill in the find! Do I sound a tad bit excited?? OOOH YES!! ') Here are just a few FAB pieces (tags and all) that I've found. Talk about perfect for the season! There's a strategy to selecting not only a good piece, but a great piece!! It's the secret to a FAB[...]