Fashion Industry Insider To Sustainable Brand CEO | THE FIXX COLLECTIVE with Daisy Hutton

There are a lot of conversations about the fashion industry, fast fashion, slow fashion, sustainability, the affordability, exclusion vs accessibility, conscious consumerism, what to do and what not to do. It can definitely feel and sound overwhelming at times.
Fashion Industry Insider To Sustainable Brand CEO
On this weeks episode I’m speaking with Daisy Hutton, Founder of THE FIXX COLLECTIVE, the anti-bland sustainability brand. Daisy is a fashion industry aficionado, that has spent many years with her finger on the pulse of fashion.

Daisy shares openly about her original career path into medicine, and the somewhat stereotypical expectations that she went against as she decided to live a life doing what she truly loves vs what was culturally expected of her.
If you love fashion in any way, want to get into fashion, curious about different career roles in the fashion industry, interested in becoming an entrepreneur and/or being more sustainable with your style, this is definitely the episode for you!

Join us for this very transparent conversation. We dive into the behind the scenes and inner workings of some luxury and fast fashion brands, the way we are all strategically molded as the consumers that companies want and need us to be, so they can continue to make their numbers.
We get into the exciting and eye opening roles and functions that are a part of every piece of clothing we wear.
Daisy doesn’t hold back about the experience of starting your own business, and the major impact the pandemic made on THE FIXX COLLECTIVE. Find out the significant moments that changed everything, including this former fashion buyers perspective on fashion and the decision to take matters into her own hands to become the mission minded and sustainable business woman she is today.

THE SKINNI W/ SHAYZON would love to hear from you!
Get in on the conversations and drop us a line. We mean it when we say it, your thoughts are important to us.
Thank you so much for spending this time with us!
Hugs and Love to you!
Instagram: @shayzon
Show Instagram: @theskinniwithshayzonpodcast
Guest: Daisy Hutton
Instagram: @thefixxcollective