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thrifting podcast

Ten Trending Terms Defined and Explained! Sustainable Tips and Simple Swaps

The SKINNI w/ Shayzon Season 3

Ten Trending Sustainable Terms Defined and Explained! Many people are becoming more interested, excited and intentional in learning about the impact of their daily choices. They’re also very eager to learn about simple and actionable ways that they can live more sustainably. Have you ever wondered about the actual meaning of some of the terms you hear almost everywhere now?  Like greenwashing, slow fashion, as opposed to fast fashion, upcycling vs recycling?  On this w[...]

The Underrecognized And Fascinating World Of Men Who Thrift, With Award Winning Thrift Influencer, Derrick Johnson

The SKINNI w/ Shayzon Season 3

On this weeks episode, we look inside The Underrecognized And Fascinating World Of Men Who Thrift.   Women are always on the forefront when it comes to fashion, which also applies to the thrifting world as well. Men play a huge role in the fashion, thrifting and sustainability community too, and I wanted to bring that well deserved recognition to the forefront, while also speaking with a dapper, thrift savvy and fashionable man about, life as a man with a love for fashion, shoes, th[...]

Find Yourself Saying ” I’m Fine” When You’re Not? This Is For You

The SKINNI w/ Shayzon Season 3

Saying " I'm Fine" When You're Not? On this episode, we focus on a common and ritualistic response and facade, that we are all very familiar with. “I’m Fine” an instinctive, non-committal, and many times in-genuine response given to others, far too many times to count.  Avoiding vital moments to express vulnerability, but opting for this well rehearsed, pleasing and less “burdensome” convenient response.  But why do we do this? What is this response indicativ[...]

The Brilliance Of Thrifting And It’s Connection To Sustainability With Ethical Blogger, Tyler Chanel.

The SKINNI w/ Shayzon Season 3

The Brilliance Of Thrifting and It’s Connection To Sustainability. An episode packed with insider tips, great information you definitely should know, and a thrifting game that will leave you laughing and scratching your head. ;) My guest is the amazing Tyler Chanel, an ethical blogger, avid thrifter, model, and digital creator.  You’re personally invited to be a part of our in-depth and enlightening conversation about, The Brilliance Of Thrifting and It’s Connection To[...]